I love to chaperon people at the milestones of life!

A wedding is such a milestone. And a marriage ceremony is more than just a speech, right? As your Trau-Frau I am there to assist you in creating the wedding of your dreams. Starting with a couple of vague ideas, on to more specific conceptions of what the ceremony might look like, I will be there to advise and accompany you every step of the way, leading to the ceremony on your wedding day. My goal is to make your wedding day one of the most wonderful days in your life – one that stays in mind forever.

Deborah & George

Dear Tina,
thank you very much for the wonderful teamwork at our wedding. We are still overwhelmed by your wonderful manner and professionalism, but never lacking in personality.
From the first meeting to the wonderful wedding speech to the follow-up, it was a real pleasure to work with Tina.
The first meeting took place online. Tina did a great job explaining how she creates her wedding speeches, was interested and asked great and important questions. We immediately felt comfortable with her.
The material she sent us for planning was also very helpful. She always had great ideas and gave shape to our ideas.
The preparations for our big day always went smoothly and Tina actively supported us with the details.
The wedding speech was even better than we could have imagined. She made the whole ceremony wonderful and our guests loved it too. The ceremony was varied, very personal and entertaining. We will never forget this day.
Tina is a real professional! Very sensitive, understanding and innovative. We can only recommend to every couple to get to know Tina and to have her as their Traufrau.
Thank you Tina. We will never forget this day and the wedding ceremony with you.

Deborah & George

(Wedding Ceremony July 30, 2021 | Schloss Hohenkammer, Oberbayern | Fotos: www.alexandrasinz.de)

This is how it works

Much more than just a speech!

As soon as we got to know each other and you decided to have me as your speaker we are entering a process together. This process leads to your dream wedding. We will most likely meet 1-2 more times and stay in close contact via phone and e-mail because it is important for me to get to know you: Who are you? How did you get to know each other? What is important for you – in life in general as well as as a married couple? What is you wedding (not) supposed to look like? What is your personal style and which tunes do you like? Who can and should play a vital role at the ceremony? Where is the wedding going to take place? What are your plans for your special day? How will the chairs be arranged and what else needs to be considered? All of these questions have to be answered ahead of time and at your own pace. I am your counterpart, idea giver, the person to think of everything. It is me where all the ends can meet so that you do not have to worry about anything on your special day. And in case you decide to throw plans overboards the day before I am there for you as well.

My offer

  • Getting to know each other without any obligations
  • Arrangement of tenor with the bridal couple
  • Hints for the ceremony
  • Preparation of the ceremony
  • All times required for communication and consultations (e-mail and phone), if neccassary with others involved (witness, family members, contact at the location etc.)
  • Finding of individual rituals
  • Journey to wedding location with adequate free float
  • On-site preparation and performance of the ceremony (including finishing touches, check of location, decoration etc. if desired)
  • Hardback copy of the spoken words of the ceremony


Generally speaking a ceremony can take place at any location – and I as your Trau-Frau love to travel the world! Of course it is wise to keep things such as the number of guests and the saison in mind.

For a small ritual I am willing to board the basket of a hot-air balloon. For bigger festivities you should look for a more suiting location though. Quite often both elements can be combined. Whether outside under the open sky or inside, sitting or standing, in the morning or evening – there are various options and I am more than willing to offer suggestions in our first talk.


The arrangement of a speech or ceremony is quite unique and depends on the requests of the clients. This is reflected in the effort for me as person providing the service. That is why it is not until after our first non-binding talk that I will make an offer – simply because it is not until then that I know what your specific wishes are. My offer normally is an inclusive price which includes travel costs, sales tax and other expenses.

Click here to find a great tool to help you calculate the total amount of your wedding costs.

Ende November durfte ich diese beiden hier in einer sehr privaten, kleinen, wundervollen Zeremonie trauen ☺️

Und sie waren sehr glücklich, wie alles lief:

„Die Ehe ist ein großer und besonderer Schritt im Leben zweier Menschen - häufig und wünschenswert einmalig. Nicht ganz unwichtig für diesen Tag ist die Frage nach der Traurednerin. Dankbar durften wir diese Frage mit unser Traufrau Tina Tschage s Ende wunderbar und passend begleitet, sondern stellte uns durch einen persönlichen Fragebogen vor die Herausforderung, sich noch einmal grundsätzlich mit sich, dem zukünftigen Gegenüber und der eigenen Kennlerngeschichte auseinanderzusetzen - auf den ersten Blick gar nicht so einfach, aber auf den zweiten Blick absolut bereichernd und zusammenführend. Wir haben vor allem den wertschätzenden Umgang mit uns und unserer Geschichte als sehr wertvoll empfunden und waren gerührt von Deiner bedachten und individuell auf uns abgestimmten Trauzeremonie. Danke, dass Du den großen und besonderen Schritt im Leben zweier Menschen zu unserem großen und besonderen Schritt gemacht hast.“

Danke für euer Feedback - und dass ich diese wundervolle Zeit mit euch erleben durfte 😇

Und danke ans Team des @passage.kino.hamburg, dass ihr diese Trauung möglich gemacht habt 🤩

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Heute und morgen im Klosterforum Fürstenfeldbruck dabei bei den Glücksmomenten 2022 🤩

Kommt vorbei: erster Stock - ihr könnt mich kaum übersehen 🤗

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Mein Brautpaar vom 13.8.2022:

„Tina war die perfekte Traufrau für unsere freie Trauung. Sie begleitete uns bereits lange vor der Hochzeit durch alle Phasen der Planung und stand uns mit ihrem Wissen und Anregungen helfend zur Seite. Sie ging immer voll und ganz auf unsere Wünsche ein, hatte jedoch auch ein paar sehr gute Ideen, wie man die Trauung noch persönlicher und origineller gestalten konnte. Jedes Gespräch mit ihr war sehr angenehm und wir haben Tina als überaus kompetent, freundlich, emphatisch und zuvorkommend erlebt.
Am Tag der freien Trauung beschenkte uns Tina schließlich mit einer sehr persönlichen, tollen Traurede, welche sowohl uns als auch unsere Gäste sehr berührte. Die Rede wahr emotional, durch auflockernde Elemente aber nicht zu schwer und Tina band auch unsere Trauzeugen auf eine sehr tolle Art und Weise mit ein. Als Geschenk erhielten wir unter anderem die gesamte Traurede in gedruckter Form, was eine wunderbare Erinnerung an einen der schönsten Tage in unserem Leben ist!
Vielen lieben Dank noch mal an dich, liebe Tina!“

Danke euch beiden, dass ich euren Hochzeitstag mitgestalten durfte 🤩

Danke dem Team von @schlossgut_tunzenberg für das wundervolle Setting 😊

Und danke an @fotopatryk_com für wundervolle Bilder 🤩

*Werbung* für tolle Dienstleister 👍

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Additional offers

Welcoming children

Baptism, welcome party or a celebration with the godparents: Welcoming new life with a joyful party, celebrating with family and friends and best wishes for the child – it is such a festivity that should mark the beginning of every human’s life!

Funeral service & burial

On a grave, in a chapel or at any other location: With lots of empathy I am there to create an individual funeral service or burial for the person who passed away and whom you want to say goodbye to.


Maybe you want to renew your wedding vows, celebrate a company anniverary or just the relationship to a beloved person – go ahead and do it! We should celebrate the parties as they come. There is lots of room to get creative together in finding ways to make this a special day.

Other occasions

Your organisation is hitting a milestone in its company history? You want to celebrate a cultural or religious holiday or something else of importance to you? Go ahead and do it! We should celebrate the parties as they come. There is lots of room to get creative together in finding ways to make this a special day.



I like to work with the wedding planner agency Traumhochzeit in Munich because I know: These ladys are dedicated to make your wedding the best day of your life by keeping an eye on things! They make your wedding their priority by supporting you in all areas: search for the right location, design concept, master of ceremonies or care-free package. Together with you they work hard to organize the wedding of your dreams.


The wedding speakers at rent-a-pastor don’t just love weddings. All speakers are well trained as they have studied Theology and quite often have proven their human qualities in service of others. You can be sure that there is no one who just took a weekend training but all have studied for years and have lots of experience. At rent-a-pastor you will find highly qualified professionals – just like me, the Trau-Frau.

About Trau-Frau

I am a trained and experienced evangelical Theologian, editor, speaker and presenter. For many years now I work self-employed as coach and trainer, author, editor and ceremonial speaker in Munich. Over the years I was able to build up a wide spiritual horizon which enables me to enlarge on all kinds of cultural, spiritual and religious backgrounds and attitudes.

The speech and ceremony for your occation is designed according to your requests. I am able to create a celebration with Christian-liturgical elements as well as using the wisdom of other teachings. In between “traditional Christan” and “without God” there is a wide range of options which we can look at while preparing for your celebration, making sure it matches you and your occation.